Strategic Management
Strategic Management enables the companies to define and accomplish the right strategies, projects and activities in order to reach their goals in the future.
Efficiency is doing things right, whereas, effectiveness is doing the right thing.
Simply, efficiency is more about the resources, whereas, effectiveness focuses on the results.
Two different companies that have the same products, same customer satisfaction ratio and the same sales revenue may have the same effectiveness, however, if one achieve those results using resources two times the other one, their efficiency might be disparate.
Companies are expected to excel in both of them; meaning reaching the right results as well as reaching those results in the most efficient way.
The word “strategy” derives from the Greek word stratçgos; which derives from two words: -“stratos” – meaning army and “ago” – which is the ancient Greek for leading/guiding/moving. Some other etymologists believe that it is derived from the Latin word “stratum”. The word “Stratum” in Latin means “road, line, river bed”. Lexical meaning of the word Strategy can be defined as “the art of reconciling ends and means”.
“Strategic Management is a pro-active type of management. It enables the company to assess its internal and external environment, to analyze its inner strengths and weaknesses, to foresee the opportunities and threats of the external environment against its strengths and weaknesses. And with the help of all these information, it enables the company to determine and to implement the right strategies, projects and activities to reach its future goal (its vision).”
In this context, Results helps the companies in defining their vision, doing their internal and external environment analysis, understanding their weaknesses and strengths in order to be safe from the threats and to make use of the opportunities, developing right strategies in accordance with them and supports them on the path they have to follow to implement these strategies.
When Strategic Management approach is not used, companies try to estimate what their performance might be like in the future mainly by looking at their past performance. However, Strategic Management is not founded on estimating future performance by the rationale of budgeting. Strategic Management is not only about setting the target position and the work plan to get there, but also covers the execution of that work plan.
When we look at the companies that implement the Strategic Management process and even form an organizational unit for that purpose, we can only find out the Strategic Planning concept in almost all of them. This is no coincidence and it has two reasons: First of all, much more is known about planning than doing, about strategy-making than making strategy work. And business leaders still don’t seem to understand a great deal about the execution of strategy.. What is more important is that making the plan work is even bigger challenge than creating the plan; making strategy work is more difficult than the task of strategy making. Thus, most of the failures in Strategic Management are observed durign the stage of strategic plan implementation, that is to say, as a result of not being able to close the gap between knowing and doing.
Execution is critical to success. Strategic Management doesn’t only consist of Strategic Planning alone, but also involves the stages of deployment and implementation.
According to a recent research, top five CEO challenges due to financial crisis are:
- Excellence in execution
- Consistent execution of strategy by top management
- Speed, flexibility, adaptability to change
- Global economic performance
- Financial risk, including liquidity, volatility, and credit risk
Results has alternative solutions to the Balanced Scorecard approach which is very hard to implement, especially, for companies that are about to start Strategic Management and that have not reached a certain level of maturity.
“As with all of its products, Results is always in favor of understanding your needs and implementing it together with you, instead of imposing a standart solution. Thus, Results’ approach differs from the consulting firms that present standart lists containing balance scorecard, new applications, goal deployment and such on all occasions.
Working in companies that have been implementing matters like Strategic Management, corporate scorecard and goal deployment, prior to consulting, realizing how tough each can be and the experiences acquired in these matters after the establishment of Results play a great part in the above mentioned approach.”