Mr. Cetinkaya has more than 20 years of experience in Industrial Engineering field from teaching to designing and managing large scale projects for wide range of industries.
Mr. Cetinkaya also worked as the Vice President of Industrial Engineering Services at KCG in San Diego, California for more than eleven years. In this capacity, as a consultant and project manager, Mr. Cetinkaya has worked with numerous companies including Disneyland, TAV Airports, Universal Studios, Getty Musuem, Avery Dennison, Columbia Sportswear, Check Solutions, Delta Design, NASSCO, Kraft Foods, Motorola, Ingram Micro, Toshiba, Ross Stores, Mitsubishi, Ismeca, QwestDex, Litton Avondale, Exel Logistics, Nokia, HP, Compaq, Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America, TCF Bank, Huntington National Bank, Whitney National Bank, People’s Bank, American Savings Bank, First Hawaiian Bank, Westpac bank AU/NZ, Royal Bank of Scotland.
Prior to joining KCG, Tekin worked as a Senior Industrial Engineer at PackardBell / NEC in Sacramento, California for two years where he designed and implemented paperless replemenishment systems for assembly and packaging operations. Previous roles include working as a Manufacturing Engineer in an aerospace company in Los Angeles for five years where he was one of the team leaders to implement Total Quality Management.
Mr. Cetinkaya’s areas of expertise include Lean Six Sigma, Banking Excellence, Business Process Re-Engineering, World Class Manufacturing, Workforce Management, Supply Chain Management, Process Optimization and Simulation Modeling. He has been involved in over 50 different Simulation Modeling, Lean Six Sigma, Process Improvement, Logistics/Transportation, Resource & Capacity Planning and Optimization projects for Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Cetinkaya holds B.S and M.S degrees in Industrial Engineering and working on his Ph.D thesis